Donetsk, Dec 2 – DAN. DPR Head Denis Pushilin has proposef to make Russian the sole official language of the DPR, the People's Council Press Service said.

"The DPR Head Denis Pushilin proposes to amend Article 10 of the DPR Constitution to define Russian as the sole state language due to an active integration with Russia," the report reads.

Pushilin has also submitted a draft law on education providing that studying of Russian remains mandatory while Ukrainian may be studied by choice of parents if educational facility is able to provide the course.

"Depriving Ukrainian of official status does not make it less important and does not violate rights of DPR people, in particular the right to use Ukrainian as a household language."

Currently both Russian and Ukrainian are official languages of the DPR. The majority of Donbass population are bilingual with Russian being most common first language. Surveys show that Russian is the first language for more than 90 percent of residents of Eastern Ukraine regions and for 60-85 percent of Central and Southern regions.*ot