Donetsk, Jun 27 - DAN. The 1,000th Russian passport made under a simplified procedure for DPR residents was issued on Thursday, Donetsk People’s Republic Head Denis Pushilin said.

“DPR resident Larisa Lazarenkova received the 1,000th passport of citizen of the Russian Federation,” Pushilin said. "This remarkable event shows that the process of receiving Russian citizenship is getting on track. It will be faster in the future; we’re making huge efforts towards it."

He congradulated all the DPR residents who had been granted Russian citizenship expressing the hope that “passports will be issued in the near future to all who are eligible.”

The first Russian passports made under a simplified procedure were handed in to DPR and LPR residents in Russia’s Rostov region on May 14.

On April 24, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the degree on determining groups of foreign nationals eligible to obtain Russian citizenship under a simplified procedure. The document specifically eases Russian citizenship rules for residents of the Donbass Republics. The DPR Migration Service opened Russian citizenship applications on May 3.*jk