Donetsk, Jul 26 - DAN. Donetsk People’s Republic medics have found no cholera cases among more than 200 patients diagnosed with acute enteric infection, the DPR Health Care Ministry press service reported on Thursday.

“More than 200 patients diagnosed with acute enteric infection have been checked for cholera, no pathogens have been found,” the report said.

The ongoing preventive measures in the DPR include water sample tests. Specialists took 58 samples from water bodies, sewage at water at purification plants before treatment and wastewater at infectious diseases hospitals. No cholera germs have been identified,” the Ministry said.

Earlier media reports said that the sanitary epidemiological service had found cholera germs in the Mariupol area. The holiday makers have been warned about the infection. Kiev denied the reports. The Russian Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-being stepped up monitoring on the border with Ukraine following the infection outbreak reports.*jk