Donetsk, Jan 31 - DAN. The Donetsk People’s Republic State Service for Families and Children Affairs organised some 4,000 events focused on the protection of children’s rights and prevention of negative impacts on child environment last year, State Service director Svetlana Maiboroda said at a press briefing at the Donetsk News Agency on Thursday.

“During 2018, the State Service organised and carried out some 4,000 group events to protect children’s rights and prevent negative impacts on children’s and youths environment,” Maiboroda said.

Together with the DPR Emergencies Ministry, it arranged some 900 awareness actions aimed at the prevention of fires and accidents caused by blasts of explosive objects, and promoted ice safety tips among children, she added.

The DPR set up the State Service for Families and Children Affairs on December 9, 2014 at the DPR Head’s order. It implements the government policy in protecting children’s and orphans rights, freedoms and legitimate interests and handles welfare issues for families, maternity and childhood.*jk