Donetsk, Aug 6 - DAN. Donetsk People’s Republic residents laid flowers to the site of death of Russia Today news agency photojournalist Andrey Stenin in the Peresyp village near the town of Snezhnoye, the Donetsk Republic social movement press service told the Donetsk News Agency on Thursday.

“A flower laying ceremony took place near Snezhnoye on the sixth anniversary of death of the Russia Today’s photojournalist,” the press service said. “DPR residents came to the site to revere the memory of the man killed in Ukrainian servicemen fire.”

The ceremony was attended by Snezhnoye administration head Alexander Skvortsov, DPR parliament member Tatyana Zhuravlyova, activists and town residents. The event brought together some 50 people.

Russia Today photojournalist Andrey Stenin was killed in the Donbass war zone in the line of duty on August 6, 2014. According to the Russian Investigative Committee’s information made public by Russia Today Director General Dmitry Kiselyov, the car carrying Stenin came under Ukrainian MLRS fire.

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree posthumously awarding the Order of Courage to Stenin. Snezhnoye authorities named the school in the Gornyatskoye township after Andrey Stenin. The journalist’s bust was later installed in the school entrance hall.*jk