Donetsk, Apr 25 - DAN. Donetsk People’s Republic Head Denis Pushilin ordered the Transport Ministry to come up by May 26 with a plan of transportation to Russia of the Republic’s residents wishing to get Russian citizenship.

“The transport minister has to work out a centralised transportation plan for residents travelling to Russian registration offices. May 26 is the deadline,” Pushilin said at a meeting with government officials and local authorities representatives on Thursday.

Pushilin tasked the information minister and domestic policy department officials with launching in the Republic an awareness campaign on Russian citizenship procedure.

Also, the DPR leader said that the tax and revenue minister and the DPR State Security Ministry would work out a simplified boarder crossing procedure for residents travelling to Russia over citizenship.

“The Interior Ministry and head of the Republic’s Migration Service will organise acceptance and consideration of DPR residents’ documents in the wake of the Russian president degree dated April 24, 2019. The deadline is May 3,” Pushilin said.*jk