Donetsk, Mar 17 - DAN. Donetsk People’s Republic authorities will keep pharmacies’ prices in check amidst the outbreak of coronavirus-caused pneumonia, DPR Tax and Revenue Minister Yevgeny Lavrenov said at the “Government Hour” session in the Republic’s parliament on Tuesday.

“Due to the global coronavirus panic we’ll control the pharmacy network pricing and monitor food prices on a regular basis,” Lavrenov said.

An outbreak of coronavirus-caused pneumonia has been recorded across the world since late last year. The so-called Patient Zero was in the Chinese city of Wuhan. As of now, more than 182,000 coronavirus cases have been recorded across the world; some 7,100 patients have died and more than 79,000 people have recovered. Outside China, the disease was diagnosed in 155 countries.

On March 14, DPR Head Denis Pushilin put the Republic on high alert in connection with the threat of coronavirus infection. As of now, the epidemiological situation in the country is under control; the DPR Healthcare Minister has the necessary equipment and test kits to diagnose the diseases caused by the new type of coronavirus. The Republic also launched a range of preventive measures.*jk