Donetsk, Feb 7 - DAN. Ukraine’s Security Service (SBU) agents at checkpoints deliberately create obstacles to residents crossing the contact line in Donbass, which leads to fatalities, DPR People’s Militia command press service Daniil Bezsonov said on Thursday.

“Ukrainian borderguards and SBU officers deliberately create obstacles to delay the procedure to allow the passage of vehicles or civilians at crossing points,” Bezsonov said. “These actions hit the elderly the most. They have to stand long queues outside in bad weather.”

Today, a 63-year-old man died at the Mayorsk crossing point. He is another victim of war crimes committed by Ukrainian armed formations,” the DPR People’s Militia spokesman said.

Earlier reports said that a resident’s of Gorlovka’s Pyatikhatka neighbourhood died in a bus at the Mayorsk crossing point.*jk