Donetsk, Feb 28 - DAN. The Donetsk People’s Republic People’s Council passed a resolution at the extraordinary session on Thursday to establish the Republic’s youth parliament. All the 94 deputies supported the motion.

The text was presented by DPR parliament speaker Vladimir Bidyovka.

“To promote the public element of the Republic’s youth policy and the effective involvement of young people in its implementation, encourage active citizenship and improve youth policy implementation, the DPR People's Council establishes the DPR Youth Parliament,” the document said.

The DPR deputies also approved the provisions on the youth parliament and its election. The resolution comes into force on the date of approval, i.e. February 28, 20019.

On January 25, DPR Head Denis Pushilin announced the launching of a youth parliament project to involve young people in statecraft. The 50-seat body is expected to be formed after elections in April.*jk