Donetsk, Aug 1 - DAN. More than 60,000 Donetsk People’s Republic residents joined the electronic queue in July to obtain DPR and Russian citizenship, the Donbass Post state-owned enterprise press service reported on Thursday.

“In July 2019, the overall number of issued coupons reached over 60,000,” the report said.

Most coupons - 45,653 - were issued to DPR passport applicants and another 14,377 to Russian citizenship seekers.” As of today, applicants can reserve a place in the queue for six months in advance. The available slips currently reach over 85,000.

The Donbass Post websites publishes regular updates on available coupons. The Republic launched an electronic queueing system for DPR and Russian citizenship applicants on July 1.

Beginning from June 14, 2019, DPR residents began to receive Russian passports under a simplified procedure. They have to travel to Russia’s Rostov region to collect them.

On April 24, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the degree on determining groups of foreign nationals eligible to obtain Russian citizenship under a simplified procedure. The document specifically eases Russian citizenship rules for residents of the Donbass Republics.*jk