Moscow, Aug 27 — DAN. More than 300 up and coming executives from the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics and the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions gathered at the ceremony in Moscow on Sunday that opened the final stage of the “Revival Leaders” talent pool contests.

After the national anthem was played, First Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Administration Sergey Kiriyenko and Director General of the Russia — Land of Opportunity Autonomous Non-profit Organization, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration Rector Alexey Komissarov addressed the participants.

“During the contest, 64 finalists were appointed to rather high posts. Many joined the leadership of key ministries and departments in the liberated Russian regions as deputy ministers or department heads <…> and headed institutes or large industrial companies, ” Kiriyenko said. “It’s just the beginning.”

The finals will last for several days. The organizes will name the winners at the contest closing ceremony on Tuesday.

Russia is holding the Revival Leaders talent pool contest for the first time, along the lines of the Russian Leaders contest of government officials. The finalists and winners will enter the talent pool of their region and get one million rubles each for training.*jk