Donetsk, Feb 22 – DAN. DPR plans to vaccinate nearly one million people by the end of 2021, the DPR Head Denis Pushilin said.

''The DPR need herd immunity, we will be working to achieve it. We expect the next batch of (Russian Sputnik V) vaccine this week. We plan to vaccinate nearly one million people by the year end. The numbers are preliminary, specialists will specify them. We need to roll out the vaccination for 60-70 pc of the population to return to our normal life," he said.

Health workers, teachers, social workers and military are prioritized in the inoculation.

"In light of the security situation at the contact line, we must pay special attention to the service members," Pushilin said.

The vaccination takes place in two stages: first shot is administered intramuscularly, the second one is administered after three weeks. The first one triggers immune reaction, the second reinforces it. After the shots patients must remain under medical surveillance for 30 minutes.

Russia began to develop a vaccine in summer 2020. It was registered on August 11, becoming the first anti-COVID-19 vaccine in the world.

The vaccine, developed by the Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, was named Sputnik V.

The first batch of Sputnik V vaccine arrived in the DPR on January 30. *ot