Donetsk, Jun 30 – DAN. DPR authorities have called on Ukraine to begin the coordination of the Donbass special status law without delays, said DPR Foreign Minister Natalia Nikonorova.

"Taking into account the first positive step on the way to fulfill security agreements (disengagement of forces and hardware in the Stanitsa Luganskaya zone), further steps are needed to synchronize the process with progress on the political track. We call on the Ukrainian side to begin working concurrently on all the tracks of the Minsk process and in particular to embark, as soon as possible, on the coordination of the Donbass special status law implementation on the basis of the Steinmeier formula."

DPR and LPR representatives repeatedly stated that Ukraine deliberately protracted the political subgroup’s work by refusing to discuss Steinmeier formula implementation.
The formula suggested by former German Foreign Minister Frank –Walther Steinmeier outlines the principles of implementation of the Ukrainian law “On local self-government order in certain areas of the Donetsk and Lugansk region”. According to his plan, the law should be enforced on the day of local elections on a temporary basis, and permanently upon OSCE publishing its report on the elections outcome. *ot