Donetsk, Aug 22 - DAN. Donbass is linked with Russia by the unity of language, culture and world outlook; Russia’s support to the region in difficult times has been another proof of this unity, Donetsk People’s Republic parliament speaker Vladimir Bidyovka said on Thursday.

“Donbass and the Russian Federation have always been linked inseparably;  one language, culture, outlook and strivings have proved our unity in all times,” Bidyovka said. “The fact that Russia supported our people in the difficult years of Ukrainian aggression shows who really views us as brothers.”

Thanks to Russian support, residents of the region have the opportunity to participate in different education, cultural and sport events; children go to Russian resorts for holidays, and humanitarian aid helps to rebuild in the aftermath of the Ukrainian aggression.

“In 2014, Donbass made its resolute choice: we’re with Russia; and we won’t change this course. We are grateful for help and support. I’m sure that in the future our cooperation will attain a new scope making our citizens’ life better as a result,” the speaker said.

Russia's National Flag Day, marked on August 22, was established by presidential decree in 1994. On Thursday, the Russian tricolour was hoisted on the DPR capital’s main square - Lenin Square – to celebrate the occasion. DPR Head Denis Pushilin called the Russian flag the key symbol of struggle for Donbass people’s freedom.*jk