Donetsk, Sep 20 - DAN. Ukrainian armed formations shelled 30 settlements in the Donetsk People’s Republic over the past week wounding a civilian and damaging nine houses,” DPR People’s Militia deputy commander Eduard Basurin said on Friday.

“During the past week, Ukrainian armed formations violated the ceasefire 116 times; prohibited weapons were used, too,” Basurin said. “A civilian was wounded and nine houses and infrastructure facilities in Gorlovka and Kominternovo were damaged  in shelling.”

Over the designated period, the Kiev army fired 140 120mm and 82mm mortar rounds, six tank gun rounds and more than 200 grenades at DPR areas.

The recommitment to comprehensive, indefinite and lasting ceasefire has been formally in effect in Donbass since July 21.

Ukraine has violated the truce 579 times since; two civilians were killed and another nine were wounded; three DPR Emergencies Ministry personnel were hurt. On top of that, 134 houses and infrastructure facilities were damaged.*jk