Donetsk, Oct 6 - DAN. Ukrainian armed formations' unmanned aerial vehicles drop incendiary ammunition to commit arsons in the Donetsk People’s Republic territory, the DPR militia said on Tuesday.

“DPR militia units shot down a Ukrainian army drone which had dropped incendiary ammunition to start a fire in the Republic’s territory” the report said. “This drone was found; its flash drive contained the evidence of  committed arsons.”

DPR militiamen also recorded an attempt to set fire to dry grass with a petrol bomb.

The DPR earlier reported an increase in the number of fires, including wildfires, due to dry and windy weather. Last week, the Republic’s fire-fighters extinguished some 700 fires.

The package of tighter ceasefire control measures came into force in Donbass on July 27, 2020. The document bans the use of any weapons, deployment of hardware, special operations, engineer works and unmanned aerial vehicles flights. The accords on additional ceasefire control measures considerably eased tensions in the region. The armistice on the contact line was nearly fully observed in the first weeks but in the recent days the number of violations has begun to grow again.*jk