Donetsk, Jun 17 – DAN. The Ukrainian army violated the ceasefire 18 times in the past 24 hours, firing over 300 rounds, said DPR Mission to the JCCC.

"Over the past 24 hours the enemy violated the ceasefire 18 times firing 329 shells,” the report said.

Spartak, Vesyeloye, Alexandrovka, Donetsk airport area, Zaitsevo, Dokuchayevsk, Sakhanka, Leninskoye, Kominternovo, Ukrainskoye, Bezymennoye were targeted with 122 mm howitzers, 82 mm and 120 mm mortars, IFVs, APCs, grenade launchers, small arms including of large caliber.

The rounds under 12.7 mm caliber are excluded from daily reports.

In the previous reporting period 11 ceasefire violations were recorded as less than 100 rounds were fired.

Damage to houses was reported on the Donetsk and Mariupol directions.*ot