Donetsk, Jul 23 - DAN. Ukrainian armed formations violated the ceasefire five times over the past 24 hours; weapons of calibre over 12.7mm were only used three times, the Donetsk People’s Republic Office at the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination reported on Tuesday.

“Over the past 24 hours, Ukrainian armed formations violated the ceasefire five times expending three rounds of ammunition,” the report said.

Strikes were delivered at the Staromikhailovka neighbourhood in western Donetsk, Elenovka south of the capital and the Gorlovka neighbourhoods of Signalnoye, Gormovskiy and Izotov Colliery. The enemy used grenade launchers and small arms, the JCCC said.

The ammunition of calibre up to 12.7mm is not added to statistics.

In the previous reporting period, Ukrainian forces expended eight times more rounds of ammunition (24) firing at DPR areas in seven ceasefire violations.

A new ceasefire accord, agreed at the Minsk talks on July 17, came into force in the region on July 21. However, the new truce did not even last a day.*jk*pp