Donetsk, Jul 14 - DAN. Several Ukrainian multiple launch rocket systems have been spotted next to the contact line in southern Donbass, the Donetsk People’s Republic militia said on Tuesday citing intelligence reports.

“Over the past 24 hours, three BM-21 MLRS (“Grad”) have been deployed in the Volnovakha area in immediate proximity to houses,” the report said.

The hardware belongs to the Ukrainian army’s 53rd Separate Motorised Brigade, the DPR militia said.

“Grad” MLRS is intended for destroying manpower and equipment, artillery and mortar batteries and command posts. It has been in service since 1963. Rocket shell calibre is 122mm. A “Grad” can fire a 40-round volley with the firing range up to 40 kilometres. Ukrainian army units regularly used missile artillery for random shooting at residential areas.

Volnovakha has been under Ukrainian forces’ control since 2014. The town is located in southern Donbass some 25 kilometres from the contact line. The Minsk accords of February 12, 2015, set a 70-kilometre security zone between MLRS.*jk