Donetsk, Dec 2 - DAN. Ukrainian army massed 245 pieces of hardware including multiple launch rocket systems, tube artillery and tanks next to the contact line, the Donetsk People’s Republic Office at the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination (JCCC) said citing OSCE Special Monitoring Mission reports.

“From November 16 to November 29, 245 pieces of equipment and heavy armaments were recorded next to the contact line with the DPR, including 142 tanks, nine MLRS “Grad,” 85 self-propelled and towed artillery pieces of calibre from 100 to 203mm, seven “BUK” anti-aircraft missile systems and one anti-tank missile system. Taking into account the number of tanks which are weapons for breakthrough and assault, Kiev’s peaceful intention are put in serious and justified doubt,” the DPR Office said on Tuesday.

Most of the armaments are kept outside places of storage. The gathered data are based on OSCE Special Monitoring Mission reports, it said.

Earlier reports on Tuesday said that four Buk-M1 anti-aircraft missile systems and 24 T-64 tanks had been spotted at the railway stations of Artyomovsk, Krasnoarmeisk and Konstantinovka.*jk