Donetsk, Jul 26 - DAN. Ukrainian armed formations violated the ceasefire five times over the past 24 hours, the Donetsk People’s Republic Office at the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination (JCCC) reported on Monday.

“Over the past 24 hours, Ukrainian armed formations violated the ceasefire five times expending 32 rounds of ammunition (the amount of expended ammunition of caliber up to 12.7mm is not added to overall daily statistics - eds Donetsk News Agency),” the report said.

Fire was delivered at the Shakhta Gagarina and Shirokaya Balka settlements on the Gorlovka axis and the Vesyoloye village area on the Donetsk axis. The enemy employed 82mm and 120mm mortars, SPG and RPG grenade launchers and small arms.

In the previous reporting period, Ukrainian armed formations fired at DPR areas five times. On Monday morning, Kiev army units delivered an artillery strike at western Donetsk damaging a coal mine power line.

The package of tighter ceasefire control measures has been in effect in Donbass since July 27, 2020. The document bans the use of all weapons, deployment of hardware, special operations, engineer works and use of unmanned aerial vehicles.*jk*pp