Donetsk, May 13 - DAN. Kiev army opened fire at the Donetsk People’s Republic twice over the past 24 hours, the DPR Office at the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination (JCCC) reported on Tuesday.

“Ukrainian armed formations violated the ceasefire twice over the past 24 hours,” the report said. “Strikes were delivered at the outskirts of the Grigorovka and Novaya Maryevka villages in southern DPR.”

The enemy used 82mm mortars, grenade launchers and small arms expending 17 rounds of ammunition of calibre 12.7mm or larger.

“Ukraine has ignored the DPR’s attempts to use the coordination mechanism at the JCCC towards securing immediate ceasefire after each fact of violation,” the DPR Office said.

In the previous reporting period, two ceasefire violations by Ukrainian forces were recorded.

The package of tighter ceasefire control measures came into force in Donbass in July 2020. The document bans the use of all weapons, special operations, engineer works at troops positions and unmanned aerial vehicle flights.*jk