Donetsk, Oct 22 – DAN. Four DPR service members died over the past 24 hours as a result of Ukrainian army attacks, said the head of the DPR People's Militia command press service Daniil Bezsonov.

"Yesterday Kiev's dastardly attacks claimed lives of three defenders in Leninskoye, southern DPR. Another serviceman was killed in Kominternovo by sniper fire. We extend our condolences to the families of the deceased. We address international organizations, the OSCE in particular, to strongly condemn Ukrainian criminal activity," Bezsonov said.

The fire on Leninskoye was opened from the positions of the 79th air assault brigade of the Ukrainian army.

Earlier reports said the Ukrainian army violated the ceasefire 30 times over the past 24 hours firing 423 rounds. *ot