Donetsk, Aug 6 - DAN. The Donetsk People’s Republic People’s Militia denied Ukrainian leaders’ information alleging that DPR forces had shelled Ukrainian servicemen during engineering works north of Mariupol.

On Tuesday, Secretary of the Ukrainian National Security and Defence Council Alexander Danilyuk said that four Ukrainian servicemen had been killed in the Pavlopol village in a  DPR militia strike. He alleged that the incident occurred during engineering works.

“The Joint Forces Operation” command did not take the trouble to check that the unloading and the casualties happened at a distance of more than four kilometres from the contact line, which was well beyond the range of an anti-tank grenade launcher,” the DPR People’s Militia said.

These accusations are meant to shift the community’s attention from the crimes committed by Ukrainian forces in Gorlovka on Monday, where a school and three houses were damaged.
“Our Republic’s defenders unconditionally honour the ceasefire and do not react to Ukrainian provocations,” the DPR militia said.

A new comprehensive, lasting and indefinite ceasefire came into force in Donbass at 00:01 on July 21. It was agreed at the the Contact Group talks in Minsk on July 17. *jk