Donetsk, Sep 13 - DAN. A Donetsk People’s Republic militiaman was killed in Kominternovo village in the south of the Republic as he was helping residents to take shelter during a Ukrainian army strike, the DPR People’s Militia reported on Friday.

“At 10:45, (Andrey) Gnatov’s gunmen from the Ukrainian army 36th Marines Brigade delivered a treacherous strike at Kominternovo with anti-tank grenade launchers,” the report said. “We regret to inform about the death of our Republic’s defender who protected civilians at the cost of his life, helping them to take shelter as the shelling began.”

Ukrainian forces fired at the village immediately after an OSCE mission patrol drove away. There were no civilian casualties. The DPR People’s Militia urged international organisations to compel Ukrainian armed formations to observe the truce.

Earlier reports said nine people, including three rescuers were hurt in Ukrainian army strikes last week.

The comprehensive, indefinite and lasting ceasefire recommitment has been formally in effect in Donbass since July 21, 2019.*jk