Donetsk, Jun 11 - DAN. Ukrainian forces are massing heavy equipment on the contact line deploying it in residential areas, the Donetsk People’s Republic Operations Command said on Monday.

“The videos retrieved from downed Ukrainian UAVs show the hardware, banned under the Minsk Agreements, massed in Artemovsk, Konstantinovka and the Donskoy settlement in the Volnovakha district. It includes self-propelled howitzers and tanks.   This amount of hardware shows the Joint Forces Operations Command’s intention to renew fighting,” the DPR Operations Command said.

DPR military authorities added that the Ukrainian hardware was deployed in residential areas 18 to 22 kilometres from the contact line.

Reports on Sunday said that the DPR armed forces had shot down five Ukrainian UAVs over the past month obtaining valuable information on Ukrainian army units’ positions.

Employing combat aviation and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) in 30km-wide zone along the line of contact is banned under Article 7 of Minsk Memorandum, with the exception to OSCE SMM UAVs. Contrary to the agreement, Ukrainian forces regularly use UAVs for aerial reconnaissance and fire adjustment.*jk