Donetsk, Sep 5 - DAN. A Ukrainian special operations team attempted to break through Donetsk People’s Republic defences on the southern stretch of the frontline, the DPR People’s Militia reported on Thursday.

“A group of Ukrainian gunmen up to ten people attempted to break through into the Republic’s territory in the Novaya Maryevka village area,” the report said. Thanks to our units’ vigilance, the attempt was thwarted.”

In repelling the saboteurs, the militiamen had to use weapons which were not prohibited by the Minsk Agreements. The Kiev army losses amounted to at least five dead or wounded. The DPR militia lost one fighter.

The Ukrainian saboteurs were driven back as a result of the clash which occurred in the southern part of the frontline next to the Republic’s Telmanovskiy district, the DPR militia added.*jk