Donetsk, Dec 6 - DAN. The Donetsk People’s Republic and the Lugansk People’s Republic agreed to step up interaction at the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination in recording and investigating violations by Ukrainian forces in Donbass.

“I believe we have to interact on all tracks of our activities focusing on security issues in the first place,” head of the DPR Office at the JCCC Ruslan Yakubov said.

“Our interaction has to be effective in investigating Ukraine’s crimes.”

Head of the LPR Office at the JCCC Mikhail Filiponenko shared this view noting the importance of quality investigation into Kiev’s crimes for the sake of promoting conflict settlement. “None of the crimes must be overlooked or forgotten,” Filiponenko said.

The DPR and LPR representatives also considered coordination of repairs at the contact line and security measures as well as more awareness-building efforts. They called for holding such joint meeting on a regular basis.

The first joint meeting between the DPR and LPR representatives at the JCCC took place in Donetsk on Thursday. It was attended by DPR Head Denis Pushilin.*jk